Monday, March 28, 2005

Friday, March 25, 2005

How the Runtime Locates Assemblies

How the Runtime Locates Assemblies

Design for Performance vs. Tune for performance

Design for Performance vs. Tune for performance

There are some good points inside this article, I like using agile methods to deal with performance tuning, it requires a detailed unit testing case, and an agile way to amend the code, such as adopting AOP methods to put some business rules and logic into configuation file for ignoring re-compiling.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mainsoft, Visual MainWin for the J2EE platform

Mainsoft, Visual MainWin for the J2EE platform
Visual MainWin brings the C# and Visual Basic .NET programming languages to the Java platform, enabling more than 2.5 million Microsoft-skilled developers to quickly and efficiently develop J2EE Web applications and Web services. it sounds too good to be true.

Monday, March 14, 2005

XenoCode 2005

XenoCode 2005
A good dotnet obfuscation tools, it supports a very nice feature of taking several assemblies and obfuscating them into one single assembly