Sunday, May 30, 2004

CSDN_C#:Web Service exception handling
Handling and Throwing Exceptions in XML Web Services
3 Leaf: Web Services Resources
Encrypting one parameter on a WebMethod with WSE
Building Robust and Reliable Software
Web Services Developer Center: Web Services Enhancements (WSE): Programming with Web Services Enhancements 2.0 (Web Services Enhancements (WSE) Technical Articles)
Undocumented Delphi 8 property access specifiers Part 1
Integrating Help in Delphi 8
The Oracle at Delphi: Delphi Win32: Why packages are better than libraries.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Some code shows how to manage transaction in multiple database system

we create a table test_log in remote database, and a procedure test_log_pkg.insert_log to insert log into this table

create or replace package body test_log_pkg is
procedure insert_log(pvs_log in varchar2) is
insert into test_log values (pvs_log);
end test_log_pkg;

we create a procedure test_dblink_pkg.insert_remote_log in local database which invoke the insert_log in remote database by database link. we added PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in declaration section, and commit the insert at the end.

create or replace package body test_dblink_pkg is

procedure insert_remote_log(pvs_log IN varchar2) is

end test_link_pkg;

then we create a table test_log in local database, and we create a test procedure which insert log into test_log in local database, and
invoke insert_remote_log to insert log into test_log in remote database, at the end, we rollback all of operations.

procedure test(pvs_log IN varchar2) is
insert into test_log values(pvs_log);

after we run test, test_log in remote database has a new record, but test_log in local database has nothing.
It shows that the transaction for local database is rolled back, but the transaction for remote database is commited : Oracle 9i Central : Autonomous and Distributed Transactions in Oracle 8i/9i
DEV310: Top 10 Tricks for a Killer ASP.NET Web Application

Wednesday, May 12, 2004