apache httpd3.
sendmail - ssmtp, mutt
cron 5. cygrunsrv
6. vim
1. For launching the ANT windows version, use dos2unix to convert the file $ANT_HOME/bin/ant
2. use ' od -c
more ' to check if the file contains invisible characters
3. use tr to remove the invalid character, such as DOS escape character
DAS_COUNTER=`tr -d '\r' < $UNIX_TEMP_HOME/output-$BRANCH_COUNTER_NAME` 4. start and stop Apache httpd /usr/sbin/httpd.exe kill -TEAM 'cat /var/run/' 5. install cron and view logs cron-config /usr/bin/cronevents.exe 6. solve the cron error like 'can't switch user context' change the owner for all of files used by cron 7. ssh client can not access the windows network drive, but Cygwin can. the reason is because sshd service is running as LOCAL SYSTEM ACCOUNT. 8. cron job cannot access the existing windows network drive, but you can mount it at the beginning of the cron scripts, for instance
net use l: //test_machine/folder /user:test_user test_password
9. Cygwin Doesn't Register All Environment Variables When Using SSH, and here is a solution